welcome kids
![]() travel back in time
Anybody here?}
12 December 2016 | 10:15 PM | 0Comment Assalamualaikum and hello. I am no longer a school student. SPM was okay, since i dont have any other answers to give. But still, it's crazy how time fies. The last time I posted something on this blog was in 2013. I started blogging when I was 11 and now I'm 17. I no longer have the time to sit still in front of the laptop and write something stupid on this thing. I'm not sure if any of my followers stil posts on theirs XD How weird is it that blogging isnt as famous as how it used to be 5 years ago. I cant recall the last time I posted a tutorial on how to make a header(pfft) photoshop, right. Photoscape & other stupid apps that we dont need these days. I do miss being a stupid 5th grader, having no problems and fears, having no big exams, having no whatever teens face nowadays. A paragraph or an essay is not enough to spill what ive been through and what has happened to me these past few years. I have lots to tell you guys(who even reads this kind of stuff today)!!!! Whenever I'm free and finally rich as heck, I'll try writing a post about how my life has sucked! :) Haha but still I miss those who always left comments on my blog! Supportive or not, I appreciate every one of them. I hope blogging will become a daily routine for me someday. p/s: i'm not a highschool student anymore i cant brain this yesterday i was like taking my upsr wtf ok goodbye and thank you for coming! Fuck I miss this. I miss this so much. I remember creating a blogger for me to write short stories. Guess what, I did nothing. Fuck growing up. Going to read my old posts now and there will be lots of facepalms throughout my little "journey". Goodbye. I don't wanna live you hanging like I did 3 years ago. |