welcome kids
![]() travel back in time
30 October 2017 | 1:51 AM | 0Comment Assalamualaikum everyone!! So im in my room right now, it's my first semester break! And the second sem is starting in less than a week. 3 weeks of cuti isnt really enough. Well it was enough at first, during the first week but now, thinking that imma be there in 6 days, does disturb me, and makes me feel like I wanna extend my cuti for about a year more. Is that okay? Lol. Anyway, what's up with me right?!!! xD These past few months have been amazingggg. Well some days arent, but that's normal. I hope you guys are aware that I'm an architecture student so yeah we dont really sleep. We're the perfect definition of zombies. The first week of taaruf week (or also known as orientation week) wasnt tiring at allll. It was like going on a vacation. Made a few friends there. (A lot of friends actually sebab Gambang tak ramai, we're like a group of budak sekolah lol). My roommates, adila, anis and atiqah are the best! We're destined to be roommates because we're so identical, in a way lol. Okay I kinda miss them actually. The first and second weeks there, we spent our free time watching movies. I felt so freeeeeee. I even thought that my high school teachers were right about university students having a lot of free time. I was excited knowing that I could have my own money, and I could be independent. I could go out with my friends. But nah it's not as exciting as going out with my mom. Nothing beats that, really. Okay back to the main topic, so yeah the taaruf week was fun, and then we had to face 4 examinations. English, Arabic(?!!), Fardhu 'Ain and Tilawah. Cool right?! So if we passed English and Arabic, we could just drop those subjects and not take them during this foundation period. Yes I exit English, but didnt exit Arabic lmao obviously dumbass. And I gotta take Tilawah class bcs I failed the Tilawah test. Shite. So anyway, I'm so sleepy. But I dont think I'll sleep. Just too lazy to write. So I'll publish a new post tomorrow night...(?) or maybe when I'm free. And on the next post, jeng jeng jeng! I'll probably write about my course which is, (em read my previous post) and tell you people(who lol) about my sleepless nights, stressed up mind, tired body, sad evenings, sleepy mornings and many more! Lol stay tuned! Alright goodbye and goodnight. I missed writing. I need to improve my writing skills since I dont take English. ugh, my grammar's starting to suck. But fun fact, I'm taking Public Speaking next sem! Which is A BIG YAY FOR MEEEE. Cant wait! Hehe since I'm talkative. See, I'm sleepy and I'm still writin bcs im a talkative person. I gotta stop. Alright bye guys!!! Assalamualaikum. |